1 result - Apartment for rent in Noréaz

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1 / 13
CHF 3,240.– / month
7.5 rooms 190m² living space
Route du Lac 3, 1757 Noréaz


Situé au centre de Noréaz, ce ravissant 7.5 Pièces n'attend que vous ! Vous pourrez disposer de beaux volumes ainsi que d'une paisible vue sur la campagne.Vous bénéficiez d'un arrêt de bus en face de ce domicile qui peut vous amener à Avry en 10 min, à Payerne en 30 min mais aussi à Fribourg en 30-45 min. À 10 min également, la piscine de Cottens est là pour vous rafraichir. Le calme est à son comble dans cette petite localité. De plus, le lac de Seedorf se trouve à 2 min de chez vous. Cet appartement situé au 1er étage se compose : - d'une belle pièce d'entrée accueillante,- d'un généreux couloir avec placards-penderie qui dessert les différentes pièces de l'appartement,- d'une spacieuse pièce de vie,- d'une cuisine équipée, - de 4 chambres,- d'une salle de bains avec WC et lavabo,- d'une cave ,L'appartement dispose également pour votre plus grand confort d'une machine à laver.Vous pourrez par ailleurs profiter d'un extérieur verdoyant clos pour passer de bons moments en famille et/ou entre amis. Ce bien vous est proposé au prix net de CHF 2'000.- Les charges s'élèvent à CHF 150.- deux places de parc extérieures vous sont proposées à CHF 100.-Soit un loyer brut total de CHF 2'250.-Une belle opportunité LB Gérance ! Nous sommes à votre entière disposition pour vous accompagner dans votre projet de vie. Pour des informations plus détaillées, contactez nous par e-mail : (info@lb-gerance.ch) ou directement par téléphone: (026/ 913.80.80)

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Additional information


The number of residents in Prez has risen to 2,454 over the past 3 years. This amounts to a population increase of 9.26%.

Demographic data

Average income is CHF 78,290. Of the population, 15.67% have a university degree, 13.32% have completed higher vocational education, 38.61% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 32.4% of residents are currently completing compulsory schooling. Consequently, this is a region with high social standards and an educated population. The unemployment rate is 1.06%.


The tax rate for the residential area is 14.07%. It varies from person to person and is based on factors including actual income, marital status and the amount of deductions. The average tax percentage for a single, childless person in Prez is 19.55%. A married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 17.64%, a married couple with two children 9.67% and a couple with no children 13.15%%.

The overall property market

New builds

Prez has seen the construction of 112 new apartments in the last 5 years.

9 of these new-build apartments are 2-room apartments. Housing for families has also been created: For instance, 21 apartments with 3 rooms and 47 4-room apartments were added to the local housing stock. 23 apartments with 5 rooms and 12 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms have been added to the supply on the housing market. Prez is a sought-after place to live, especially for families.

Housing stock

Prez now has a total of 1,023 apartments, following additional growth in the pool of local housing thanks to new construction. There are 26 1-room apartments available on the housing market. The number of apartments with 2, 3 and 4 rooms is 153, 313 and 272 respectively. Finally, 272 5-room apartments and 165 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are available in the area.

Unoccupied apartments

7.67% of apartments in Prez are vacant. Of this figure, 38.46% of 1-room apartments, 19.35% of apartments with 2 rooms, 7.89% of all 3-room apartments, 5.79% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 5.93% of the 5-room apartments are currently empty. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 4.61%; 2.44%% of this total refers to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

The average rent for a flat in the region is CHF 1,431. This means that 25% of all available rents are lower than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,200 (25th percentile). In addition, 75% of all monthly rents are less than or equivalent to CHF 1,655.